The God Particle

In 2012, an international meeting of 800 physicists announced the discovery of a subatomic particle, called the Higgs boson, nicknamed the “God particle,” since these Atheistic Naturalists/Materialists determined this particle to be the ultimate cause of all that exists. Rather unsurprisingly, this particle was discovered at the controversial CERN, using the Large Hadron Collider. This is the same facility that has been theorized to be conducting weather control experiments and other equally troublesome research, all under the watchful eye of an idol of the Hindu god Shiva located at their main entrance. 

Nobody questions the existence of such sub-atomic particles. They've been verified by research and experimentation. Can we accept, however, the claim that this particle is the explanation for all that exists? 

Aristotle observed four causes of things in the material universe. The first is the material cause, that out of which something is made. However, the identity of something, or ability and characteristics don't depend upon that out of which it was made. An animal is not a deer or a dog because it is made up of various cells that have molecules made up of carbon, hydrogen or oxygen atoms, much less because of sub-atomic particles that might be contained in the atoms. There are other causes that make the animal a deer or a dog, that aren't measured as physical weights, electrical charges, magnetic fields, or anything else contained in the material components. This must be another cause, which unites all the atoms, molecules, cells, organs, tissues together to make it a deer or a dog, and to give it life, characteristics, and ability to act. It is called the formal cause, because it gives the form or nature to a physical thing. This is obvious for all living beings, and is particularly so for man, whose essential form is his soul. However, the same applies to inanimate material things. Water is much more than the simple combination of hydrogen and oxygen atoms. Its vast and necessary range of necessary qualities are the consequence of what it is, its nature and form. As a result, the material cause cannot be the ultimate explanation of what a thing is, and it is thus illogical to consider the Higgs boson to be the explanation for the universe.

We're not finished though, since even these two causes don't explain the "hows" or "whys" of the origin of the cosmos. Reason tell is there must be something that unites form to matter, so that the material thing can have the nature which belongs to it. Without such an efficient cause, nothing would happen, and there would be no explanation for the obvious observation that changes exists in the physical world around us. To say that this "God particle", through the process of evolution, created all that exists and holds it together is absurd. Its like saying that the canvas makes a painting. It really amounts to a lack of logical and reasonable explanation of how something comes to be. This is one aspect of the physical impossibility of evolution for the creation of the universe. It is the denial of the efficient cause.

There is always a deeper cause, without which nothing would happen, which makes the agent act to bring about any change. It is the reason why something happens. It is the ultimate explanation of reality, since without it no efficient cause would act and nothing would ever happen. In nature a purpose is constantly observed in all the actions of any living thing. Humans and animals eat to sustain life; animals mate to propagate the species, etc. Even in the inert material world purpose is clearly present. Certain types of clouds produce rain, and evaporation produces the clouds. Likewise for the minerals that constitute the soil. The ultimate explanation of reality is, then, the answer to the question as to why it is that this particular matter has this particular form, that is why it was brought into being, and what purpose it plays in creation. If, then, there is a “God-particle,” an ultimate explanation of reality, it truly is the Absolute Cause (God), not Higgs boson.

It is characteristic of the Atheistic Naturalist to refuse any suggestion that there exists anything beyond the material world, and thus he sees only a material cause. Why? When we consider the mountains of evidence pointing clearly to a non-material cause for all that exists, we can only come to one conclusion.  That is, because he starts with the radical Materialist presupposition that serves as the foundation of everything he studies, he rejects out of hand any suggestion that the origin of the cosmos is God. And as a result, he refuses to recognize the perfect order inherent in the universe, with its coordination of purpose. He literally refuses the evidence of the senses that God exists, and that is why the Materialist defends the theory of evolution with all the passion of a religionist. We can reasonably conclude that this is why he claims that the Higgs boson is a "God-particle". He must find an idol for his religion of Materialism, and for the radical Atheistic Naturalist, this particle is that idol- his replacement for God.
