The Connection of Natural Law to Eternal Law
is interesting that in our post-Modern culture, some actually deny
the existence of Natural Law, looking upon the concept as a mere
historical oddity. Some modern philosophers and political activists
will go so far as to suggest that one is a hopeless antiquarian to even bring the topic up, and thus
should be ignored. No
substitute exists, however, for Natural Law as a fundamental basis
for a rational ethical system. The result of divorcing culture from Natural Law is that much of modern
political thought is rendered dangerously destructive and without merit. Politics, without Natural Law,
finds its ultimate expression in oppressive States, such as the
former Soviet Union, Cuba, and other Leftist and "revolutionary" governments. This is so
because, without Natural Law, morality is undermined, as its
traditional determinants are removed. This permits the State to
determine morality and ethics apart from Natural Law, not to mention Divine
Revelation. Any socio-political philosophy that denies Natural Law, must
also reject the principle that the human personality is a distinct
entity, created by God, with certain dignities and duties, destined
for an eternity with the Creator, making oppression a logical outcome.
Aquinas explains the essence of law:
is a rule and measure of acts, whereby man is induced to act, or is
restrained from acting: for law is derived from “ligare”- to
bind, because it binds one to act. ..Law is nothing else than an
ordinance of reason for the common good, made by him who has care of
the community, and promulgated.”
regarding Natural Law, Aquinas defines it as,“...the rational
creature's participation in the eternal law.”
Since, then, Natural Law is
defined in terms of the Eternal Law, what is meant by Eternal Law?
Man cannot possibly know the
Eternal Law in its totality because it is, essentially, the full mind
of God. We can, however, know part of the Eternal Law through reason
(Natural Law), and Divine Revelation (Sacred Scripture).
Eternal Law, Aquinas writes:
God, by His wisdom, is the Creator of all things, in relation to
which He stands as the artificer to the products of His
art...Moreover He governs all the acts and movements that are to be
found in each single creature...Wherefore as the type of the Divine
Wisdom, inasmuch as by It all things are created, has the character
of art, exemplar or idea; so the type of Divine Wisdom, as moving all
things to their due end, bears the character of law. Accordingly the
Eternal Law is nothing else than the type of Divine Wisdom, as
directing all actions and movements...The whole community of the
universe is governed by Divine Reason. Wherefore, the very idea of
the government of things is God the Ruler of the universe, has the
nature of law. And since the Divine Reason's conception of things is
not subject to time, but is eternal...therefore it is that this kind
of law must be called eternal. Every rational creature knows it (the
Eternal Law), in its reflection, greater or less. For every knowledge
of truth is a kind of reflection and participation of the Eternal Law
which is unchangeable truth...Wherefore, since all things subject to
Divine Providence are ruled and measured by the Eternal Law, it is
evident that all things partake somewhat of the Eternal Law, in so
far as, namely, from its being imprinted on them, they derive their
respective inclinations to their proper acts and ends...Wherefore, it
(the rational creature) has a share of the Eternal Reason, whereby it
has a natural inclination to its proper act and end; and this
participation of the Eternal Law in the rational creature is called
the Natural Law.”
In other words, everything
that exists- planets, stars, plants, animals, humanity- are a single
kingdom under the governance of the Divine Lawgiver. Christ is King,
because He is also Lord and God. But lordship is different than
kingship, even in God. It is one thing to be lord and master, owner
and proprietor of chattel, domain and property; it is another thing
to be king, governor, lawgiver, and judge of political subjects. The
former we can call the power of dominion, or of ownership,
while the latter is power of jurisdiction. Power of dominion
is for the good of the owner who wields it, while power of
jurisdiction is for the good of the governed. As God is Lord of the
universe, He directs all its operations to His own glory. As He is
King, He governs as a King should govern, for the good of His
subjects. In intellectual creatures, whose will is not set in
opposition to God, the subject's good and the glory of the Lord
coincide. God wills to bind His creatures to a certain line of
action. Not arbitrary, but the natural lines of each creature's
created being. The Eternal Law combines the laws of physical nature
and the actions of physical causes, along with the moral law and
human acts. It is the one primeval law of the universe, antecedent to
all actual creation, and is as eternal as God. And yet, it is not as
necessary as God, since if He had not decreed to create, He would
have had no need to decree Eternal Law, contingent as its is upon
creation and the decree that every creature should act in the mode of
action proper to its kind.
We may define Eternal Law,
then, as God's directive power over all things in existence, so that
every created things moves, acts, and exists according to the nature
that God has created in it. Man alone of all creatures in the world,
is able to comprehend, through his reason, a part of the Eternal Law,
which, as applicable to humanity, is the Natural Law. This Natural
Law is essentially ethical and applies only to the acts of Man. Man's
physical nature operates according to laws. Time produces changes in
the human body, regardless of the thoughts or actions of the
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