The Modernist and Marxist Infiltration of the Vatican
the Spirit expressly says that in later times some will depart from
the faith by devoting themselves to deceitful spirits and teachings
of demons...”
1 Timothy 4:1
was an average day at the hospital. She was a nurse at the local
hospital and led your normal 1960s French life. She went about her
daily routine at the hospital, checking on patients in her ward,
chatting with those who needed cheering up, and administering
medications. However, this night would be unlike any other she had
ever experienced.
of her patients, a Slavic looking man who had been seriously injured
in an auto accident, was assigned to her ward for care. His case
looked bad and he was not expected to live. She dutifully attempted
to communicate with the man, who simply laid in his bed, eyes open,
staring into space. He either could not, or would not respond.
you blink your eyes for me? We can use one blink for yes, and two for
no. Can you do that for me?”, she asked. He simply laid there
noticed we don't have a name listed for him. Do we have
identification?”, she asked the head nurse.
Oddly enough he had no identification at all on him.”, the head
nurse responded. “All he had was that briefcase under his bed with
a story in it, but no name. Weird, if you ask me.”
young nurse sat in the chair next to his bed, pulled out the
briefcase and began reading the manuscript. It did not read like a
story, but an autobiography. As she scanned the pages she discovered
that this mystery patient was not at all your average,
run-of-the-mill accident victim, and this was more than an
autobiography. It was a confession. He was an undercover agent for
the Soviet Union, ordered to infiltrate the Catholic Church by
entering seminary and becoming a priest. Everything had been prepared
in advance for him. Other operatives already occupied positions of
authority in the seminaries, dioceses, and even the Vatican itself,
and they would facilitate his infiltration. According to the
document, the ultimate goal was to undermine whatever biblical
orthodoxy there was in the Church and push for a council that would
revolutionize the entirety of Catholicism by introducing Marxist
principles under the guise of faithful Catholic dogma. Anyone who got
in the way of this goal was expendable, and indeed the manuscript
revealed this mystery patient had murdered a priest who discovered
the plot.
patient died a few hours later, and no one claimed his belongings or
even came forward to name him.
may seem like something from the Da Vinci Code, but it is not. It is
an account of a very real experience. The nurse, Marie Curre,
hesitantly came forward with both the manuscript and her story in
1972, fearful for her life. She died in 1984.
she revealed in publishing the manuscript has been denounced by Roman
Catholic apologists as an invention of her own, a dark fantasy
written to bring the Catholic Church into disrepute. The fact is,
however, that the influential figures behind the Second Vatican
Council, ostensibly the council engineered by the Marxist cabal of
the manuscript, did indeed make religious dogma of what was clearly
Cultural Marxist ideology. The Vatican promoted Modernism in all its
forms; theological, philosophical, scientific, and artistic. Where
once it had defended the sovereignty of nations, it now openly
promoted Globalism, and joined arm in arm with the United Nations and
Council on Foreign Relations.
Marie Curre's manuscript, Catholic theologian and professor, Alice
von Hildebrand wrote:
manuscript) may be an invention of Marie Curre, but one must admit
she hits the bull's eye from the first page to the last....How
surprising indeed that all her so-called inventions have become
reality in the post-conciliar church.”
when we consider the current pope, Francis I, Curre's story becomes
more plausible than ever. Francis is clearly not a Christian in any
orthodox biblical or historical sense. He blatantly promotes Cultural
Marxism using Christian language. This is one of the things that
perplexed me about the accolades he receives from many evangelicals.
For some reason they find in his faux humility (he is quite well
known for his despotic rule by Vatican insiders), his ecumenism, and
his grandfatherly persona endeared him to evangelicals around the
world. And yet his theology, such as it is, denies every doctrine of
the orthodox Christian faith.
Boff, a radical Marxist living in Argentina who knows Francis I,
stated of Francis' extreme liberalism during a 2012 interview:
example, a few months ago he explicitly permitted a homosexual couple
to adopt a child.”
And most of us are also
aware of his comments that atheists will be saved, his advice to not
bother with protesting abortion, or that Catholics need to have fewer
children, and his comments to fellow Jesuit, Rev. Michael Rogers that
studying fundamental biblical theology is “one of the most boring
things on earth.”
If this sort of claptrap
were confined to Francis I, one could brush it off as an anomaly.
Such is not the case, however. Similar Leftist ideas have been
promoted by all of the popes of recent memory; John XXIII, Paul VI,
John Paul I, John Paul II, and Benedict XVI.
Marie Curre, whether her
story was true or not, pointed out a very real problem with the
Catholic Church and the Vatican. It has indeed been infiltrated by
Cultural Marxists, and the principles of that Leftist ideology have
been defined as dogma since the Second Vatican Council. The Catholic
Church then is problematic not just on a spiritual level, but on the
social, political and cultural levels as well. It promotes the
“teachings of demons”, and we must warn others, lest they be
partakers of her sins.
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